ShapeShift DAO Partnerships
TaxiStake drives Osmosis and Cosmos validators for the ShapeShift DAO.
We are thrilled to announce that we are now driving a second validator for the ShapeShift DAO!
Last fall, TaxiStake set up and began running a Cosmos Hub validator for the ShapeShift DAO. Following the success with Cosmos Hub, the ShapeShift DAO is again partnering with TaxiStake to receive validation rewards for supporting the Osmosis protocol as well.
Why Validate with TaxiStake?
For the ShapeShift DAO, the primary benefit of validating is an additional revenue stream, as well as elevating the security of decentralized communities.
The main benefit for the ShapeShift DAO is the additional stream of income that would arise from running a Validator on the Cosmos blockchain. This will not only strengthen the ShapeShift DAO by providing a revenue stream, but also provide security to other decentralized communities through trusted validation services.
— ShapeShift DAO, ShapeShift DAO x Cosmos (2021)
Keeping a validator running requires ongoing operational oversight. TaxiStake brings significant experience to the table to maintain decentralized infrastructure and ensure a smooth ride.
Successful Validator operation requires the efforts of multiple highly skilled individuals and continuous operational attention. TaxiStake are highly experienced in this field and will ensure that the benefits outweigh the costs.
— ShapeShift DAO, ShapeShift DAO — Validating on Osmosis (2022)
Further Reading
Get the scoop on the new Osmosis validator partnership between TaxiStake and ShapeShift DAO in the Shapeshift DAO Osmosis validator annoucement.
Catch up on the Cosmos validator partnership with TaxiStake and ShapeShift DAO in the ShapeShift DAO Cosmos validator earnings update.